Upgrade and Development of ADSS Power Cable Industry in China

2022/04/23 10:12

With the continuous growth of China's national economy as a whole and the influence of the reform of telecommunications system, the market demand for ADSS power optical cable has increased significantly, reaching 10 million core kilometers in 2001.

In the 21st century, there were several situations at that time: (1) Domestic optical cable enterprises were affected by the "bubble" of optical network, and the telecom market shrank, and the supply exceeded demand. Some small optical cable enterprises dumped their products at low prices and tried their best to reduce the price of optical cables. To increase production capacity, enterprises had to invest in equipment with lower capital; ② Some international equipment manufacturers have also entered the Chinese market, with high prices, which has caused great financial pressure and cost pressure to enterprises, leading most enterprises to choose domestic equipment. Under such circumstances, optical cable equipment manufacturers have market opportunities and technical competition opportunities.

As far as the current development is concerned, in the 40 years of China's optical fiber and cable industry, summing up the growth process, the communication optical fiber and cable equipment industry has gradually solved the following three outstanding problems in its development:

(1) The situation that the equipment is completely dependent on imports has been changed, the basic localization of the equipment used in ADSS power optical cable has been realized, and it has begun to go overseas.

(2) Standardize the market operation. Domestic equipment also participates in the market competition, and equipment enterprises are developing in the direction of market standardization. Through continuous independent innovation, manufacturers provide genuine products, and optical cable manufacturers also invite tenders to purchase equipment products according to quality and price. Domestic equipment has also won the recognition and active support of optical cable users and operators, and domestic equipment has been developed rapidly.

(3) Constantly increase the independent innovation of optical fiber and cable equipment. With the development of China's optical fiber and cable industry, facing the fierce competition from home and abroad characterized by innovation and technological upgrading, optical fiber and cable enterprises and equipment manufacturing industry have experienced independent innovation, striving to master core technologies, developing new materials, new technologies and new products, and constantly providing product applications for nearly 40 years.